Could homosexuality be biologically based?‎3 min read

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Could homosexuality really be biologically based?‎ Drs Charles Socarides, Benjamin Kaufman, and Joseph Nicolosi founded the ‎National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Basing their ‎conclusions on the best science, Socarides, Kaufman, and Nicolosi point out ‎that there is a growing body of evidence that homosexuality is not genetic and

‎‎“there is no scientific research indicating a biological or genetic cause for ‎homosexuality. Biological factors may play a role in the predisposition to ‎homosexuality. However, this is true of many other psychological conditions.” ‎

They also call attention to the fact that “psychotherapists around the world who ‎treat homosexuals report that significant numbers of their clients have ‎experienced “substantial healing” and that “scientific research supports age-old ‎cultural norms that homosexuality is not a healthy, natural alternative to ‎heterosexuality‏.”‏‎ ‎

Dr Nicolosi points out that he has examined the entire range of modern ‎scientific literature relating to the alleged biological foundations of ‎homosexuality:

“I myself have reviewed all the literature…and I certainly don’t ‎believe, and I don’t think any scientist really believes, that there is a biological ‎predetermination for sexual orientation. There’s much more evidence for early ‎environmental factors that would set the stage for a person’s sexual orientation‏.”‏

No less an authority than Alfred Kinsey himself, as cited by W.B. Pomeroy, his ‎research associate, stated, “I have myself come to the conclusion that ‎homosexuality is largely a matter of conditioning‏.”

Dr John Money, professor ‎emeritus at Johns Hopkins University, reported:

“No chromosomal differences ‎have been found between homosexual subjects and heterosexual controls” and ‎‎“on the basis of present knowledge, there is no basis on which to justify a ‎hypothesis that homosexuals or bisexuals of any degree or type are ‎chromosomally discrepant from heterosexuals‏.”‏‎ ‎

In the same issue of Archives of General Psychiatry that the Bailey/Pillard piece ‎on the lesbian twins appeared, two highly credentialed researchers at New York ‎State Psychiatric Institute concluded: “There is no evidence at present to ‎substantiate a biologic theory of sexual orientation.” In fact, leading scientific ‎journals have consistently pointed out “the lack of supporting evidence” for a ‎biological basis for homosexuality— which is hardly surprising since “genetically ‎determined homosexuality would have become extinct long ago because of ‎reduced reproduction‏.”‏‎ ‎

The fourth edition of the Psychiatric Dictionary observes that how a child is ‎raised is far more important in determining sexuality than genetics: “Many ‎pseudo hermaphrodites and subjects with gonadal agenesis have been reared ‎as females when their chromosomal sex is male (and vice versa); yet in every ‎case the gender role and orientation was consistent with the assigned sex and ‎rearing‏.”‏‎ Dr Clifford Allen concluded: “No investigations in any sphere indicate ‎an organic basis for homosexuality, whether physical, chemical, cellular, ‎microscopic or macroscopic‏.”‏

Even if homosexuality were someday proven to be entirely genetic, it wouldn’t ‎matter. Human “fallenness” clearly involves genetic defects, and we do not yet ‎‎(if we ever will) understand the relationship between genes and behaviour. But it ‎is abundantly clear that genes do not force behaviour, regardless of one’s ‎sexuality. ‎

Thousands of gays and straights are celibate. If behaviour were forced, this would ‎be impossible. Thus, to justify the sin of homosexuality genetically means that ‎paedophiles, alcoholics, and serial murderers could all have an equal case for ‎moral approval. If we are going to permit a genetic “fate” for gays, we will have to ‎excuse all sorts of unsavoury actions based on possible or actual genetic ‎disposition‏.‏

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