The Teleological Argument for the Existence of God2 min read

The Teleological Argument, also known as the Argument from Design, is a philosophical and theological perspective that posits the existence of God based on the apparent order, purpose, and design present in the natural world. Dating back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato, this argument has been refined and developed by prominent theologians and philosophers throughout history, including Saint Thomas Aquinas,…

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Are homosexuals born that way? Part IV – Is there a genetic basis for homosexuality?1 min read

  • Post category:Morality

The largest study to date on the genetic basis of homosexuality has revealed five spots on the human genome that are linked to same-sex sexual behavior — but none of the markers are reliable enough to predict someone’s sexual orientation.   The findings, which were published in on 29 August 2019, were based on the genomes of nearly 500,000 people, and shore up the…

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Why the Word of God Became Incarnate: Summary of St. Athanasius’s On The Incarnation9 min read

  • Post category:The Trinity

St. Athanasius composed one of the most important books in Christian literature, On the Incarnation, which provides a discourse on the divinity of Christ and the redemptive purpose of the Incarnation. In explaining why the Word of God became man, St. Athanasius provides five main arguments:  (i) The incarnation is the only possible sacrifice to redeem humans from their original sin  (ii) The incarnation…

Continue ReadingWhy the Word of God Became Incarnate: Summary of St. Athanasius’s On The Incarnation9 min read

Who was Jesus’ paternal ‎grandfather – Jacob or Heli?‎ (Jesus’ Genealogy: 1 of 3)3 min read

The New Testament provides two accounts of the genealogy of Jesus, one in the Gospel of Matthew and another in the Gospel of Luke. Yet, the two accounts disagree on who Joseph's father was: Matthew says it was Jacob, while Luke says it was Heli. So who was Jesus’ paternal ‎grandfather? There are other differences which will be explained in the next two articles. …

Continue ReadingWho was Jesus’ paternal ‎grandfather – Jacob or Heli?‎ (Jesus’ Genealogy: 1 of 3)3 min read