Was Jesus Made God After The Three Synoptic Gospels Were Written?3 min read

In a recent debate between Bart Ehrman and Jimmy Akin, Bart claimed (in seconds 30:23-30:47) that Jesus never referred to Himself as God in the three synoptic gospels of Mark, Luke and Matthew. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKShBLRixR8&t=8137s). Bart claims that only in the later written gospel of John do we find Jesus claiming to be God, the “I AM”, the one with the Father, and the image…

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Were The Gospels Written By Actual Eyewitnesses Of Jesus?2 min read

New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman claimed that: “Even though we might desperately want to know the identities of the authors of the earliest Gospels, we simply don't have sufficient evidence. The books were written anonymously and evidently not by eyewitnesses.”   Now that we have answered this question and confirmed the identities of the authors of the Gospels, can we really be sure that those…

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Is The Fine Tuning Of The Universe Evidence For The Existence Of God?6 min read

If you gaze at the universe with a curious eye, you would find wonder on every level, our universe is a true masterpiece! This, when viewed through the eyes of faith, we see a personal God crafting a complex universe that includes our life-giving home, the Earth. But does science see the same thing? To answer this question, we shall discuss the concept of…

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What Is The Orthodox View On The Solus Christus Doctrine?4 min read

  • Post category:Salvation

Solus Christus, the teaching that “Christ alone” is the means to salvation, was formulated in response to the strongly mediatorial understanding popular among sixteenth-century Roman Catholic clergy that only through the clergy can man approach God.   Solus Christus and Priesthood  The fear is that a fallible human being would presume to stand between a believer and God, that a priest could actually prevent someone…

Continue ReadingWhat Is The Orthodox View On The Solus Christus Doctrine?4 min read