Was Jesus speaking metaphorically about His body and blood in John 6?‎6 min read

The Coptic Orthodox Church - as well as the Catholic Church and all other orthodox churches - has always professed that in the Eucharist, the bread and wine are truly transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This belief, known as the doctrine of transubstantiation, is based on the clear teachings of Scripture and the unbroken tradition of the Church for over…

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Is the Baptism of Children Biblical‎?4 min read

“And now, what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptised and wash your sins away, calling on His name.” (Acts 22:16) Such a motivating verse, right? As much as this verse promises the washing away of sins and encourages all of us to get baptised, there is a claim that nowhere does the Bible command infant baptism, and nowhere does the Bible mention…

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Worship music from an Orthodox perspective5 min read

Music is the sound of the soul and a medium for meeting with God. Although the Old Testament records that the Jewish nation used to worship God through music and singing, such as David and Asaph in their psalms, it is also recorded in the New Testament that “Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening…

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Why are women not ordained as priests in the Coptic ‎Orthodox Church?‎4 min read

God came as a man. When man (i.e., Adam and Eve) sinned and fell, the Almighty, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God took flesh and became man to restore humans to their original incorruptible state, i.e., to redeem them. Some Church Fathers write and say that God has no gender, but when He revealed Himself to man, He revealed Himself (grammatically and linguistically) as male. And when He…

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