The Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God3 min read

  • Post category:God

The ontological argument for the existence of God is a philosophical argument that was developed by Saint Anselm. He was the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the 11th century. It is an a priori argument, which means it is based on reasoning and logic rather than empirical evidence. The argument is laid out in Anselm's work, "Proslogion." Here is a summary of the Ontological Argument: …

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Is The Fine Tuning Of The Universe Evidence For The Existence Of God?6 min read

If you gaze at the universe with a curious eye, you would find wonder on every level, our universe is a true masterpiece! This, when viewed through the eyes of faith, we see a personal God crafting a complex universe that includes our life-giving home, the Earth. But does science see the same thing? To answer this question, we shall discuss the concept of…

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