The Authenticity of the Deuterocanonical Books 10 min read

In popular history, the earliest known canon of Old Testament books is the Septuagint. The Septuagint was translated from Hebrew to Greek by seventy (hence Septuagint, commonly abbreviated LXX) scholars for Alexander's Great Library in Egypt around the year 300 BC. Supposedly, the scholars were commissioned by Alexander the Great to collect the writings of all the major religions of the time. The Septuagint contains the Old Testament books shared…

Continue ReadingThe Authenticity of the Deuterocanonical Books 10 min read

Did Jesus go to the ‎wilderness or the ‎wedding in Cana after His baptism?‎2 min read

The three synoptic gospels each detail the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, in Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, and Luke 3:21-22. Both Matthew and Mark record that Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tested in their very next verses (Matt. 4:1; Mark 1:12). In the gospel written by Luke, he first gives a genealogy of Jesus right after He was baptised,…

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What does it mean that the Bible was inspired ‎by God?‎4 min read

The God of all creation and boundless love has a message for us.  He wants us to know Him, meet with Him, even abide in Him, and choose to love Him back. He gave us information, motivation, encouragement, guidance, and wisdom through normal people who diligently and prayerfully captured His words. Some of these people had special gifts of prophecy, great faith, and divine…

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Have the New Testament manuscripts ‎changed over the centuries?‎4 min read

Let’s begin with a story. Sarah has been married to Jake for 55 years. As she observes her children and grandchildren, she wishes they could have the same type of loving marriage she has had. She decides to write a letter addressed to her loved ones in which she lists actions, concepts, and attitudes that she believes are needed for a successful, happy, and…

Continue ReadingHave the New Testament manuscripts ‎changed over the centuries?‎4 min read